Making Friends With the Future

Our mission is to provide high quality learning experiences that unlock everyone's creative potential for the benefit of all humanity.

Let's Create & Learn Together

Wonda’s solutions foster creativity and help build community within the education and workplace with the following key fundamental design principles:

1. Immersion
2. Playfulness
3. Collaboration

Wonda was designed as a highly versatile solution to leverage the latest in Spatial Computing and Generative AI technologies to learn faster and more effectively.

Using Wonda's friendly interface, anyone can boost any learning experience with blended media, rich interactives and incredible collaboration possibilities.

All within a simple browser, without the need of any special hardware equipment.

Already, over 10,000 people in academia and business use Wonda’s innovative offerings.

Get started today and join our growing community.

Core Team

Founded in Paris, Accelerated in New York.

Arnaud Dressen
Arnaud Dressen
Founder & CEO
Elie Mietkiewicz
Elie Mietkiewicz
Product Manager
Josephine Dussourd
Josephine Dussourd
Lead Tech
Arthur Thollon
Arthur Thollon
Lead 3D Engineer
Olivier Praseuth
Olivier Praseuth
Lead tech
Quentin Veillas
Quentin Veillas
Creative Producer
Adeeb Syed
Adeeb Syed
Learning Design Lead

Advisors & Collaborators

Experts in Pedagogy, AI, Storytelling, Entrepreneurship and Business.

Bill Duane
Bill Duane
Innovation, Resilience & AI
Rémi Rousseau
Rémi Rousseau
Tinkerer and entrepreneur
Saber Chaabani
Saber Chaabani
Julien Masanes
Julien Masanes
Strategy, Enteprise Sales
Jonathan Harber
Jonathan Harber
Business Strategy
Cecily Mak
Cecily Mak
Business Operations




Started NYU
Rethink Education
MIT PlayLabs
Emerge Education