Quandary Game AI


In an extension of the award-winning educational game, Quandary, speak with a generative AI-infused Captain that engages learners in a reflective discussion about the moral quandaries encountered in the game.

Discover Other Pilot Projects:

Second Impressions
Second Impressions
Cross-Cultural Training

Second Impressions

Develop leadership skills by helping your colleague navigating difficult cross-cultural communication.
NC State University
Meet Bisclavret
Meet Bisclavret
Communication Skills

Meet Bisclavret

Time-travel to meet Bisclavret, a 14th-century Breton nobleman, and uncover his mystery and humanity.
University of Tennessee
Turfu Oracle (coming soon)
Turfu Oracle (coming soon)
Ideation Activity

Turfu Oracle (coming soon)

Interact with the Oracle of the Future and come up with original ideas to improve wellbeing in your neighbourhood.
Gaité Lyrique

Learn How to Create your own AI Simulation

Discover what you can do with Wonda AI Character. Join the waitlist for our short online course!